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Audit / Budget
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How do I obtain Public Records?
Garage Sales Rules?
Dispose of paint?
Dispose of household hazardous waste?
Contact the Fire Department?
Police issues/questions?
EMS (Emergency Medical Services) bills?
Find out about City Council?
Garbage/Recycling Questions?
Purchase a paver at Memorial Park?
Contact Animal Control?
Where can I report Unsightly Property?
Where do I vote?
How do I run for Office?
How do I register a Rental Property?
How do I view the Airport Noise Abatement Guide?
Obtain an occupational license?
Obtain a Solicitor License?
Obtain a building permit
How do I apply for Yard/Garage Sale Permit?
Where can I view City Ordinances?
Where can I view Zoning Ordinances?
How do I view property tax information?
Who determines property tax value?
How do I get on the PVA's email list?
When are real estate property taxes due and how can I pay them?
Apply for Homestead/Disability property tax exemption?
Report Street Problems?
Report Sanitation/Sewer Problems?
Report a problem with a traffic signal or street light?
Report a pothole?
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Bestway will pick up garbage and recycling materials in separate trucks every Thursday except Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.
Any changes will be noted on our homepage.