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Please CLICK HERE to print and complete the attached waiver for all attendees. No one permitted without one. Bring to city building with payment.
Public Works Meetings are held the 1st Thursday of every month 5:00 PM in the Council Chambers If you have questions or concerns for Public Works please email the Director, Steve Greer at or by contacting him at 859-341-6670 Ext. 103
Monthly Meeting of City Council Everyone is welcome to attend. The agenda is posted at the City Building and on the website or is available by contacting the City Clerk at 859-341-6670. Council Meetings are also streamed live by TBNK on local access. Please consult your provider for information. K on local access. Please consult your […]
Would anyone be interested in going to this play? Please let us know and we will consider group tickets for Sunday, February 16, 2025 @3pm email: